Power & Control

Power & Control Applications

Power & Control applicationOver the years, More Control has provided numerous power & control monitoring systems to control the lighting and power monitoring at various facilities across the UK.

With tighter energy regulations and rising costs for energy use, the need for efficient power monitoring applications and accurate devices for monitoring energy consumption and energy use are on the rise.

Having power & control applications is quickly becoming a prerequisite for any major building development or facility. Most commercial buildings are now expected to show efficient energy use in their business operations and daily use.

If you have a power & control automation application that you wish to have designed or developed, feel free to contact us and one of technical team can determine the ideal power & control automation solution to suit your business needs.


The Shard - Building Maintenance Unit (BMU)

    More Control, working alongside E W Cox's (Cox Goymal) developed a high rise cradle system for the tallest building in the Europe, The Shard in London.


DC to AC Drive Conversion

    More Control designed, built and installed an AC drive system. The install was planned to minimise down time and provide a reliable modern drive solution.

Remote Monitoring: Wireless Information Network (WIN)

    WERMA provides an ideal cost effective solution for the remote monitoring of machinery. The Wireless Information Network (WIN) is a MDC system (Machine Data Collection System), enabling users to centrally monitor and evaluate up to fifty machines of varying ages and functions via wireless technology.

Lenze SMV Inverter IP65 Protection

     A customer was after retrofitting an inverter on their system which had a rating of IP65.  The Inverter drive was to be fitted on the roof of a building. Given the nature of the application, the Lenze inverter drive
    was required to withstand taking severe weather and still be operational.

Lenze ESMD Inverter Low Cost Machine Control

        Featuring everything one would expect from a modern AC inverter. The Lenze ESMD113L4TXA frequency inverter drive provides advanced technology and high quality at a reasonable price.

Field Electrical Power Supply (FEPS)

        More Control was asked to develop a system to effectively remote monitor Rolls Royce Motor Generators to ensure correct operation, status, power procedures and all running parameters. To allow effective management of FEPS generators anywhere around the world.

Combined Heating & Power (CHP)

        Working with a bio fuel generator company, More Control was asked to develop the control settings for precise calibration and monitoring of a
        modified diesel generator which provides CHP (combined heating & power).


        Working in conjunction with ET2 Ltd, More Control helped update the system design, software development, panel build and after sales support of a compactor as a control solution to regulate its power levels.

IMO Nexus PLC Replacement

        Well built automated machinery often far outlasts the control system that controls it. When one of England's largest pastas producers suddenly found that one if its main packing lines suddenly stopped working, due to a PLC failure, More Control got them back up and running straight away with a PLC replacement.


Power Monitoring

        More Control were requested by the Royal Festival Hall to provide an automation application to update their energy management system to optimise their energy saving and to accurately monitor costs and building efficiency.


Energy Saving Solutions

        Working alongside several factories in the UK, More Control provides energy saving solutions to reduce energy bills and optimise building resources with an automated sub metering application.

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Automation Applications

Office Address 

21 Drakes Mews
Crownhill Industrial Estate
Milton Keynes

Tel: 0345 00 00 400

Email: sales@more-control.com

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